畫家陳顯棟是大自然的心靈補手,其作品純淨而高雅,充滿著對大自然及神秘宇宙的詠嘆與讚美。 他不斷的嘗試新媒材的實驗與創新,對於油畫材料運用上的改良也非常的用心,繪畫語言細膩而豐富,其作品夢幻的影像翻騰起伏,色彩強度的對比。 適如其分的點線及色塊,生動而活潑,乾淨利落的筆法將大自然內在的力量表現得淋漓盡致,他敏銳而巧妙的創造出氣韻生動的作品,這種具有現代意識的東方美學思想自然而然的呈現出來,多層次的神秘氛圍深深觸動觀者的心弦,獨具雋永的藝術韻味。 他的理念是每一幅作品都要經得起時間長河的考驗,所以他每一張作品都是經過他長期的自我要求,努力創作不懈,才量少質精的將其精華呈現在我們眼前。 近來他的作品已漸獲得應有的認識與重視,且他是唯一兩次獲選參加北京雙年展的臺灣畫家,相信他創立的畫風必能在歷史上獲得其應有的地位!
In his early years, Mr. Chen was deeply influenced by Impressionism, acutely aware of shape, color space, and exploration of rhythm and harmony. His sensitivity to the interaction and correspondence of shapes and colors allows him to bring out the best of his artistic abilities. Another one of Mr. Chen’s exceptional attributes is his courage to challenge creative mediums. Do not be mistaken in the belief that ‘playing’ with media is simply a novel, contemporary practice; in the early popularity of classical oil painting in the 1960s, Mr. Chen used alcohol to burn sugar cane planks, creating vast works of abstraction. Thereafter, he has also made use of paints, plastics, chemical substances, fibers, and various building supplies transformed into materials of art. Furthermore, Mr. Chen has delved into the exploration of technical chemicals, dyes, and silk screen printing. His industrious efforts have augmented the innovation of art performance with new skills, new ways, new ideas, and new concepts.
Mr. Chen has applied almost two decades’ worth of technical studies to his works, with DuPont (automotive) paint with glare-resistant qualities on canvas, plus resin and oil paint to produce a variety of thickness to complement the canvas. His pieces cherish modern styles and uncover the median between the abstract and the figurative.
CHEN HSIEN TUNG is also the only Taiwanese artist invited to participate in three consecutive Beijing International Biennales and two National Art Exhibitions involving highly distinguished artists.